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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
PPGEQ – Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Química

Área do conteúdo

Applications are now open for the 2025.1 Master’s program (CALL 01/2025) and PhD program (CALL 02/2025) selection process.

❗The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering is now accepting applications for the Master’s and PhD program admissions for the 2025.1 . ❗

Master’s Program: in the area of Chemical and Biochemical Processes, for the filling of up to 9 (six) vacancies, distributed among the research lines of the program (Process Analysis and Development, Biomaterials Development, Reaction Systems, Separation Systems, and Applied Thermodynamics).

PhD Program: in the area of Chemical and Biochemical Processes, for the filling of up to 9 (nine) vacancies, distributed among the research lines of the program (Process Analysis and Development, Biomaterials Development, Reaction Systems, Separation Systems, and Applied Thermodynamics) for the research projects listed in ANNEX I.


The application period will run from February 11 to February 25, 2025. Applicants must complete the electronic form available on the website http://www.si3.ufc.br/sigaa/public (under strictly graduate selection processes) and upload a PDF file (not exceeding 15 MB) containing the documentation listed in the “DOCUMENTATION FOR APPLICATION” section of this announcement. The applicant must also complete the editable scoring sheet available.

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