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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
PPGEQ – Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Química

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❗The Coordination of the Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering is now accepting applications for the Master’s and PhD program admissions for the 2024.2 . ❗ Master’s Program: in the area of Chemical and Biochemical Processes, for the filling of up to 6 (six) vacancies, distributed among the research lines of the program (Process Analysis and […]
Registration for the selection of class 2023.1 of the master’s and doctoral course of the Graduate Program in Chemical Engineering (PPGEQ) at UFC will be open until January 26, 2023. With an area of concentration in Chemical and Biochemical Processes, up to twenty-seven vacancies will be offered for a master’s degree and fourteen vacancies for […]
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